INSTITUTION Tyler School of Art and Architecture



CREATE is Tyler School of Art and Architecture’s annual virtual portfolio review event for graduating Graphic and Interactive Design students. Our five-person team of students was tasked with coming up with a visual identity for this event that both represents and serves our graduating class. This year’s branding revolves around the theme of “illuminating new perspectives," encapsulating the evolution of design, particularly with the emerging influence of artificial intelligence (AI).

Each team role was decided upon by our client and art director, Abby Guido, following interviews. This allowed for the members of the team to not only act as designers, but to split up the work and focus on different individual parts of the project. As the team's Design Manager, I was responsible for collecting and presenting each team member’s design contributions for weekly presentations, while also leading brainstorming sessions. My goal was to help steer our team's ideas into a cohesive visual direction that could be adapted into a versatile system.

Xiamari Osorio, our Lead Strategist, researched similar events and looked into feedback received from previous CREATE events. Brianna Friend , our Production Manager, was responsible for setting up our cloud storage on OneDrive complete with an organized naming system in place. Our project manager, Dani Goldman, organized what tasks we would need to complete during the course of the project and set deadlines according to progress made from week-to-week. Emily McSorley, our Client Manager was responsible for writing down design feedback and other notes each week. Tyler Fauvelle, our technologist, was responsible for researching emerging AI tools and demonstrating how we can incorporate them.

Our first brainstorming session, led by me, largely focused on different concept ideas. In this process, we talked about what this event meant to the graduating GAID class and what our place in the design community was. After establishing our slogan, “illuminating new perspectives," we began sketching and forming our style tile. A photo day was held where each team member tracked who had gotten their photos taken and make sure they filled out other forms with all of their information for the website. From there we edited and stylized the photos according to our brand. Using Facebook’s Meta AI, I scheduled and organized all of the posts for the GAID Instagram. These posts included headshots with student work, reminders, and sign up information for the CREATE event.